Nemo rings and fields

Nemo rings and fields

Any type that satisfies AbstractAlgebra.jl Ring or Field interface, such as all Nemo ring and field types, can be used as coefficient rings in Singular.jl. Theses are implemented via the Singular n_unknown type.

The associated ring/field is represented by a parent object which can be constructed by a call to the CoefficientRing constructor. In practice, however, this constructor is only used internally, and Nemo rings and fields work directly as Singular coefficient rings, and all the coercions and ad hoc functions that one would expect to be present are implemented.

All of the Singular polynomial arithmetic should work for any Nemo ring and everything, including ideals, modules, standard basis, syzygies, resolutions, etc., should work with any Nemo field.

The types of the parent objects and elements of the associated foreign rings are given in the following table according to the library providing them.

LibraryElement typeParent type

These types are parameterised with the element type of the given Nemo/AbstractAlgebra element type.

The Singular.jl n_unknown types belong directly to the abstract type RingElem and their parent object types belong to the abstract type Ring.

Specialised efficient wrappers exist for certain Nemo coefficient ring types.

Nemo ring functionality

Singular.jl foreign ring types implement the Ring interface and possibly the Field interface of AbstractAlgebra.jl.

Parts of the Euclidean Ring interface may also be implemented, though Singular will report an error if division is meaningless (even after cancelling zero divisors).

Below, we describe the functionality that is specific to the Singular foreign ring interface that is not already listed at the given links.


Given an AbstractAlgebra compatible ring $R$, e.g. a Nemo ring, we have the following constructor, which returns the associated Singular.jl coefficient ring..


If there are generators to be coerced from Nemo/AbstractAlgebra into corresponding elements, the Singular.jl coefficient ring can be used to coerce them to a Singular n_unknown element.


R, x = Nemo.PolynomialRing(ZZ, "x")
S = CoefficientRing(R)
t = S(x)

Note that it is unlikely that a user directly needs to construct the Singular coefficient ring from a Nemo ring, since the Singular.jl constructors are designed to accept Nemo coefficient rings directly. Singular.jl automatically constructs the required Singular coefficient ring and makes use of it.